Saturday, June 4, 2011

Wondering when will my life begin?

Well my life as a substitute mom actually has begun today.  I am in charge of planning and preparing diners for the next week.  Lunch and breakfast at my house during the summer is a "fend for yourself" kind of thing or "eat if you are hungry". I decided this afternoon that all my diners were going to be themed.  That is right dear readers.  I especially wanted to start it out with a big bang.  My first night was...ready for this...TANGLED PARTY!
I made spaghetti for dinner tonight.  My mom generally breaks the spaghetti noodles in half before she puts them in the boiling pot (so they are not as long and messy).  In the spirit of the occasion, I did not break mine (so that they wouldn't turn brown of course!)  Do you see where I am going here?  Well the spaghetti was like Rapunzel's hair! Cool right!I had some corn and my dad had some green beans.  It was a really yummy meal.  To drink with my delicious spaghetti I had milk.  The milk was to help me grow big and strong.  Those muscles would help me handle that frying pan.  If you haven't guessed, Tangled is pretty much my favorite movie right now.  To top of the night, I made root beer floats.  Guess where I might have gotten them from?  Did I hear you guess Snugly Duckling?  You would be 100% correct! I hope you get your share of Tangled for the week.  We watched (and I sang along with) Tangled as we ate.  A night well spent!

For your pleasure...


I really like her with brown hair. You?

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