Friday, June 10, 2011

At a loss for themes...

I am pretty proud of myself for coming up with my themes this week.  (You might not be so impressed.)  Tonight and tomorrow I had planned on just winging it.  Tonight's diner has come and gone and I still have no theme.  I really just wanted to have Mexican food.  I ground up some pork (to change it up from beef).  You could put together your meal however you wanted.  First went down the chips.  Then you would spoon on some meet.  After this would be the time for you to be creative.  You could add cheese, sour cream, salsa, lettuce, onions, etc.  It turned out to be a great meal.  It was actually a good thing that I did not have anything else planned.  Soon after we got done eating, we went to a Christian bookstore.  I got the book Radical by David Platt.  I have just started it and really love it so far.  After that, I have spent most of my night at Home Depot.  We continued to stay and look around forever.  We had to find paint for this room and tile for that room and the list went on and on.  I love doing design stuff probably second to cooking and writing, but it is just a lot of time standing around talking to employees.  All in all, it was a yummy diner and fun night.  We were able to get some good paint colors.  Maybe some rooms will get painted in my house now.  Now I just have to find some ideas for my bathroom...

Tomorrow might not really have a theme either, but I hope to make a really great meal to end off my week of making diners... 

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