Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dear you out there,

Hi!  This might be your first time to read my blog.  This might be the second time you happen to be here.  You might read this consitantly.  Maybe you wish I would write more.  Maybe you wish I would write something interesting once in a while.  I don't know where you are at right now.  I hope you are having a great day.  Are you really supposed to be working, but you got distracted and ended up here?  Are you at home?  Is it cold?  Is it really hot?  Are you outside or inside?  Do you wish you could be traveling around?  Are you really hunrgy (like I always seem to be)?  I just want to say hi to you--whoever you are.  Comment to let me know what you think about my blog or food.  Recommending food/recipes to me will definitely make my day.
Sometimes when I am blogging, I try to imagine people reading it.  Do mainly older people read it or do young people enjoy it too?  Is it boring?  I really hope you enjoy it because I enjoy writing it!  Bye!

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