Monday, June 6, 2011

Say what!

Well, tonight was themed--Cosby Party-- in honor of Bill Cosby. 
This happened to be a pretty interesting night so pay close attention.  I decided I wanted to make a soul food for diner.  The soul food reminded me of Bill Cosby.  I found a website with soul food recipes.  There was one for chicken and dumplings.  It looked easy enough so I decided to try it.  I called my mom early in the day and she asked me what I was making.  I told her and she asked me if I was going to use the crock pot.  I hadn't planned on it, but I would use it since she suggested it.  Later on in the day, it got to be time for me to start preparing diner.  I put some water in the crock pot and waited for it to boil.  My mom called while I was waiting and asked what I was doing.  I told her that I was waiting for the water to boil in the crock pot.  She kindly informed me that she didn't know  if water boiled in the crock pot and I should probably use the stove.  Well, that put me at a short set back.  The water took no time to boil on the stove and the chicken was in.  I looked at the recipe again because I remembered it said to make the dumplings while the chicken boiled.  When I happened to read over it again, I came across something that changed my night.  It said to boil a hen or 5-6 lbs. of chicken.  I boiled only 2 lbs. and had no spare hens on hand.  It hit me then that all the other measurements would be off since I did not have the right amount of chicken.  Since I knew what I wanted to make, I went to look for a chicken and dumpling recipe.  All of them had ingredients I did not have on hand except one.  It looked easy enough.  I was prepared to make it...until I read the comments.  The first comment gave it a one star and said it tasted like chicken and rubber.  None of the other comments were any better so I gave up.  I had little time left and a diner to prepare.  Finally, I decided to make quesadillas.  They turned out to be great!  Though it did not go as planned, my diner was very delicious and everyone enjoyed it.  All it took was a little stress, cheese, tortillas, and boiled chicken.  You never know--quesadillas might be one of Bill Cosby's favorite foods!

To end the night, my dad, my youngest brother, and I gathered around our record player.  You heard me right.  A record player.  I think it was given to us by my grandpa.  I had received a Bill Cosby record from my best friend.  It is my favorite.  We did not finish it tonight, so we will have something to do tomorrow afternoon.

p.s. We had great weather here tonight.  There was a free Christian concert that I went to go see.  They put them on all summer.  Fun stuff!  Hope you had a great night!

I really like Bill Cosby which is why I had this night.  Fat Albert and the Cosby Show are favorites of mine.  What a great and amazingly funny man!

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