Sunday, June 5, 2011

Follow those tracks!

Tonight was MYSTERY DINER!
We have a channel on TV that plays retro shows.  On Sunday there is always a Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew Mystery.  (It changes every week.)  Tonight happened to be a Hardy Boys mystery. 
As I was planning on diner earlier today, I was thinking of something to eat to go with the mystery theme.  I thought about it all day, but I was coming up with nothing.  All of the sudden it hit me right before I was just going to throw something from the freezer into the oven.  Hotdogs!  Most of the times hotdogs are composed of mystery substances.  Disgusting right?!  I found some hotdogs and cooked them in a pan on the stove.  Of coarse we always get the ones with only beef just so we know what we are eating.  Both the diner and show were great!  I just got done playing the game Clue.  My youngest brother won.  It was Mrs. Peacock in the kitchen with the revolver.  Who would have known?  Tough lady that Mrs. Peacock. 

p.s.  For dessert, we had some nutella on bread.  It was supposed to go with last nights diner (because it has hazel nuts which happen to be a part of Rapunzel's favorite soup), but we forgot.  It was so yummy.

By the way, the big hotdogs I thought I was cooking ended up being bratwurst.  Case solved!  (I did actually make some actual hotdogs though too.) 

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