Hi! This might be your first time to read my blog. This might be the second time you happen to be here. You might read this consitantly. Maybe you wish I would write more. Maybe you wish I would write something interesting once in a while. I don't know where you are at right now. I hope you are having a great day. Are you really supposed to be working, but you got distracted and ended up here? Are you at home? Is it cold? Is it really hot? Are you outside or inside? Do you wish you could be traveling around? Are you really hunrgy (like I always seem to be)? I just want to say hi to you--whoever you are. Comment to let me know what you think about my blog or food. Recommending food/recipes to me will definitely make my day.
Sometimes when I am blogging, I try to imagine people reading it. Do mainly older people read it or do young people enjoy it too? Is it boring? I really hope you enjoy it because I enjoy writing it! Bye!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Who's your daddy??
For Father's Day, my family went to Qdoba. We went mainly because we had coupons--the way my family rolls. Haha.
Anyways, it was really yummy. I had this three cheese nacho thing. I will give you a decription of what this meal looked like...
First down was a handful or two of nice tortilla chips. Then the nice employee drizzled some really great white cheese on top. The cheese was slightly spicy and oh so delicious. I generally get mine with chicken (as I did this time). The only other two options you can have are: beef or beans. Then you can add whatever! That is right my friend. I generally don't get a lot of toppings. During this particular time, I got sour cream and salsa. I might have gotten something else, but I seriously can't remember. All I know is that I had a great dinner. I love my daddy! I also have the most amazing heavenly Father! I have been so blessed...
Anyways, it was really yummy. I had this three cheese nacho thing. I will give you a decription of what this meal looked like...
First down was a handful or two of nice tortilla chips. Then the nice employee drizzled some really great white cheese on top. The cheese was slightly spicy and oh so delicious. I generally get mine with chicken (as I did this time). The only other two options you can have are: beef or beans. Then you can add whatever! That is right my friend. I generally don't get a lot of toppings. During this particular time, I got sour cream and salsa. I might have gotten something else, but I seriously can't remember. All I know is that I had a great dinner. I love my daddy! I also have the most amazing heavenly Father! I have been so blessed...
Monday, June 13, 2011
DONE...but not forever
So, I guess you are wondering how my week finished out. Sorry to keep you in suspense for so long. It did not exactly end how I wanted it to. As I look back over what I accomplished, I am proud of what I did. I like to cook more challenging things than I did this week, but it was a little hard. We had basically no time to run to the grocery store because we were always doing other things. I guess we will make a big store run today or tomorrow.
Do you remember in my last blog how I said that I wanted to end with a last big meal? Well, that did not actually happen. It ended up that everyone had parties to go to and would not be home for dinner. I ended up having leftover taco stuff. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it! It was nice to slow down a little bit after a crazy busy week.
My mom and brother got back from their mission trip and my mom was able to take back her kitchen. I was sad to give up everything except the dishes.
I am glad you decided to come along with me on my adventurous week. I had a fun time and I hope you enjoyed reading about it.
Now I am back to just helping my mom in the kitchen, hopefully making some more cupcakes, and trying new recipes.
p.s. I still have to catch you up sometime on my Memorial Day meals. Yummy! Hopefully I can do that this week!
So, I guess you are wondering how my week finished out. Sorry to keep you in suspense for so long. It did not exactly end how I wanted it to. As I look back over what I accomplished, I am proud of what I did. I like to cook more challenging things than I did this week, but it was a little hard. We had basically no time to run to the grocery store because we were always doing other things. I guess we will make a big store run today or tomorrow.
Do you remember in my last blog how I said that I wanted to end with a last big meal? Well, that did not actually happen. It ended up that everyone had parties to go to and would not be home for dinner. I ended up having leftover taco stuff. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it! It was nice to slow down a little bit after a crazy busy week.
My mom and brother got back from their mission trip and my mom was able to take back her kitchen. I was sad to give up everything except the dishes.
I am glad you decided to come along with me on my adventurous week. I had a fun time and I hope you enjoyed reading about it.
Now I am back to just helping my mom in the kitchen, hopefully making some more cupcakes, and trying new recipes.
p.s. I still have to catch you up sometime on my Memorial Day meals. Yummy! Hopefully I can do that this week!
Friday, June 10, 2011
At a loss for themes...
I am pretty proud of myself for coming up with my themes this week. (You might not be so impressed.) Tonight and tomorrow I had planned on just winging it. Tonight's diner has come and gone and I still have no theme. I really just wanted to have Mexican food. I ground up some pork (to change it up from beef). You could put together your meal however you wanted. First went down the chips. Then you would spoon on some meet. After this would be the time for you to be creative. You could add cheese, sour cream, salsa, lettuce, onions, etc. It turned out to be a great meal. It was actually a good thing that I did not have anything else planned. Soon after we got done eating, we went to a Christian bookstore. I got the book Radical by David Platt. I have just started it and really love it so far. After that, I have spent most of my night at Home Depot. We continued to stay and look around forever. We had to find paint for this room and tile for that room and the list went on and on. I love doing design stuff probably second to cooking and writing, but it is just a lot of time standing around talking to employees. All in all, it was a yummy diner and fun night. We were able to get some good paint colors. Maybe some rooms will get painted in my house now. Now I just have to find some ideas for my bathroom...
Tomorrow might not really have a theme either, but I hope to make a really great meal to end off my week of making diners...
Tomorrow might not really have a theme either, but I hope to make a really great meal to end off my week of making diners...
Thursday, June 9, 2011
That's SUPER!
I have been proud of myself this week for blogging every day this week...until I broke that yesterday.
Last night for dinner I did not have a theme because I went to a church event. I had a really good time. We ate and read some more of a book we are going through. For dinner, we had pininis. I loaded that baby up! I had so much stuff piled on that bread. I had ham, lots of different cheeses, mushrooms, and peperoni. It might sound kind of weird, but it was amazing! A little while later, we made sundaes. The biggest new thing that I had on mine was chocolate whipped cream!!! Seriously, you have got to get yourself some of that stuff.
Well, my brother really likes the movie Sky High. I decided we could watch that tonight and have a superhero theme. I was at the store and I was looking for a sub sandwich to get. There just happened to be a sub called-- Super Sub. What a fitting name! It was seriously amazing. It was huge. We went home and added more toppings. The whole night was relaly fun.
Even though I had sandwiches two nights in a row, they were both very different. Both of them were special and very delicious in their own ways. What do you like to put on your sub sandwiches? I am a meat and cheese kind of girl. I also like mushrooms a lot, but I think I already mentioned that before.
Have a fun rest of the night!
p.s. Are you watching the Heat vs. Mavs game? I just watched a few minutes tonight. I really don't know who I am going for. I decided that next season I need to get more into and follow basketball better. Bye!
Last night for dinner I did not have a theme because I went to a church event. I had a really good time. We ate and read some more of a book we are going through. For dinner, we had pininis. I loaded that baby up! I had so much stuff piled on that bread. I had ham, lots of different cheeses, mushrooms, and peperoni. It might sound kind of weird, but it was amazing! A little while later, we made sundaes. The biggest new thing that I had on mine was chocolate whipped cream!!! Seriously, you have got to get yourself some of that stuff.
Well, my brother really likes the movie Sky High. I decided we could watch that tonight and have a superhero theme. I was at the store and I was looking for a sub sandwich to get. There just happened to be a sub called-- Super Sub. What a fitting name! It was seriously amazing. It was huge. We went home and added more toppings. The whole night was relaly fun.
Even though I had sandwiches two nights in a row, they were both very different. Both of them were special and very delicious in their own ways. What do you like to put on your sub sandwiches? I am a meat and cheese kind of girl. I also like mushrooms a lot, but I think I already mentioned that before.
Have a fun rest of the night!
p.s. Are you watching the Heat vs. Mavs game? I just watched a few minutes tonight. I really don't know who I am going for. I decided that next season I need to get more into and follow basketball better. Bye!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
My dad suggested that tonight we have leftovers. "Leftovers" is not a very attractive name, so I decided to call it something different. I decided it was going to be called a Narnian feast. I made chicken fried rice with some leftover chicken and rice. It turned out to be really yummy! I had another small thing or two to clean out the refrigerator. Leftovers are really not that bad and it turned out to be a good meal. I had a ton of dishes to do after we got done eating. I put on some music and slaved away at the sink. It was a lot to clean, but I felt a sense of accomplishment when everything was done.
For dessert, we ate sugar cookies. I made them yesterday night to make up or not having my diner go as planned. We iced them and put on sprinkles. What a great little treat.
We watched Narnia:Prince Caspian after we settled down from cleaning.
I love Narnia!!
p.s. Here is a joke one of my really great friends told me today:
What starts with a "c" and sounds like a parrot?
A carrot!
*I hope you enjoyed my joke. Share it with someone sometime. Maybe they will find joy in the small things like I do.
For dessert, we ate sugar cookies. I made them yesterday night to make up or not having my diner go as planned. We iced them and put on sprinkles. What a great little treat.
We watched Narnia:Prince Caspian after we settled down from cleaning.
I love Narnia!!
p.s. Here is a joke one of my really great friends told me today:
What starts with a "c" and sounds like a parrot?
A carrot!
*I hope you enjoyed my joke. Share it with someone sometime. Maybe they will find joy in the small things like I do.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Say what!
Well, tonight was themed--Cosby Party-- in honor of Bill Cosby.
This happened to be a pretty interesting night so pay close attention. I decided I wanted to make a soul food for diner. The soul food reminded me of Bill Cosby. I found a website with soul food recipes. There was one for chicken and dumplings. It looked easy enough so I decided to try it. I called my mom early in the day and she asked me what I was making. I told her and she asked me if I was going to use the crock pot. I hadn't planned on it, but I would use it since she suggested it. Later on in the day, it got to be time for me to start preparing diner. I put some water in the crock pot and waited for it to boil. My mom called while I was waiting and asked what I was doing. I told her that I was waiting for the water to boil in the crock pot. She kindly informed me that she didn't know if water boiled in the crock pot and I should probably use the stove. Well, that put me at a short set back. The water took no time to boil on the stove and the chicken was in. I looked at the recipe again because I remembered it said to make the dumplings while the chicken boiled. When I happened to read over it again, I came across something that changed my night. It said to boil a hen or 5-6 lbs. of chicken. I boiled only 2 lbs. and had no spare hens on hand. It hit me then that all the other measurements would be off since I did not have the right amount of chicken. Since I knew what I wanted to make, I went to look for a chicken and dumpling recipe. All of them had ingredients I did not have on hand except one. It looked easy enough. I was prepared to make it...until I read the comments. The first comment gave it a one star and said it tasted like chicken and rubber. None of the other comments were any better so I gave up. I had little time left and a diner to prepare. Finally, I decided to make quesadillas. They turned out to be great! Though it did not go as planned, my diner was very delicious and everyone enjoyed it. All it took was a little stress, cheese, tortillas, and boiled chicken. You never know--quesadillas might be one of Bill Cosby's favorite foods!
To end the night, my dad, my youngest brother, and I gathered around our record player. You heard me right. A record player. I think it was given to us by my grandpa. I had received a Bill Cosby record from my best friend. It is my favorite. We did not finish it tonight, so we will have something to do tomorrow afternoon.
p.s. We had great weather here tonight. There was a free Christian concert that I went to go see. They put them on all summer. Fun stuff! Hope you had a great night!
I really like Bill Cosby which is why I had this night. Fat Albert and the Cosby Show are favorites of mine. What a great and amazingly funny man!
This happened to be a pretty interesting night so pay close attention. I decided I wanted to make a soul food for diner. The soul food reminded me of Bill Cosby. I found a website with soul food recipes. There was one for chicken and dumplings. It looked easy enough so I decided to try it. I called my mom early in the day and she asked me what I was making. I told her and she asked me if I was going to use the crock pot. I hadn't planned on it, but I would use it since she suggested it. Later on in the day, it got to be time for me to start preparing diner. I put some water in the crock pot and waited for it to boil. My mom called while I was waiting and asked what I was doing. I told her that I was waiting for the water to boil in the crock pot. She kindly informed me that she didn't know if water boiled in the crock pot and I should probably use the stove. Well, that put me at a short set back. The water took no time to boil on the stove and the chicken was in. I looked at the recipe again because I remembered it said to make the dumplings while the chicken boiled. When I happened to read over it again, I came across something that changed my night. It said to boil a hen or 5-6 lbs. of chicken. I boiled only 2 lbs. and had no spare hens on hand. It hit me then that all the other measurements would be off since I did not have the right amount of chicken. Since I knew what I wanted to make, I went to look for a chicken and dumpling recipe. All of them had ingredients I did not have on hand except one. It looked easy enough. I was prepared to make it...until I read the comments. The first comment gave it a one star and said it tasted like chicken and rubber. None of the other comments were any better so I gave up. I had little time left and a diner to prepare. Finally, I decided to make quesadillas. They turned out to be great! Though it did not go as planned, my diner was very delicious and everyone enjoyed it. All it took was a little stress, cheese, tortillas, and boiled chicken. You never know--quesadillas might be one of Bill Cosby's favorite foods!
To end the night, my dad, my youngest brother, and I gathered around our record player. You heard me right. A record player. I think it was given to us by my grandpa. I had received a Bill Cosby record from my best friend. It is my favorite. We did not finish it tonight, so we will have something to do tomorrow afternoon.
p.s. We had great weather here tonight. There was a free Christian concert that I went to go see. They put them on all summer. Fun stuff! Hope you had a great night!
I really like Bill Cosby which is why I had this night. Fat Albert and the Cosby Show are favorites of mine. What a great and amazingly funny man!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Follow those tracks!
Tonight was MYSTERY DINER!
We have a channel on TV that plays retro shows. On Sunday there is always a Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew Mystery. (It changes every week.) Tonight happened to be a Hardy Boys mystery.
As I was planning on diner earlier today, I was thinking of something to eat to go with the mystery theme. I thought about it all day, but I was coming up with nothing. All of the sudden it hit me right before I was just going to throw something from the freezer into the oven. Hotdogs! Most of the times hotdogs are composed of mystery substances. Disgusting right?! I found some hotdogs and cooked them in a pan on the stove. Of coarse we always get the ones with only beef just so we know what we are eating. Both the diner and show were great! I just got done playing the game Clue. My youngest brother won. It was Mrs. Peacock in the kitchen with the revolver. Who would have known? Tough lady that Mrs. Peacock.
p.s. For dessert, we had some nutella on bread. It was supposed to go with last nights diner (because it has hazel nuts which happen to be a part of Rapunzel's favorite soup), but we forgot. It was so yummy.
By the way, the big hotdogs I thought I was cooking ended up being bratwurst. Case solved! (I did actually make some actual hotdogs though too.)
We have a channel on TV that plays retro shows. On Sunday there is always a Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew Mystery. (It changes every week.) Tonight happened to be a Hardy Boys mystery.
As I was planning on diner earlier today, I was thinking of something to eat to go with the mystery theme. I thought about it all day, but I was coming up with nothing. All of the sudden it hit me right before I was just going to throw something from the freezer into the oven. Hotdogs! Most of the times hotdogs are composed of mystery substances. Disgusting right?! I found some hotdogs and cooked them in a pan on the stove. Of coarse we always get the ones with only beef just so we know what we are eating. Both the diner and show were great! I just got done playing the game Clue. My youngest brother won. It was Mrs. Peacock in the kitchen with the revolver. Who would have known? Tough lady that Mrs. Peacock.
p.s. For dessert, we had some nutella on bread. It was supposed to go with last nights diner (because it has hazel nuts which happen to be a part of Rapunzel's favorite soup), but we forgot. It was so yummy.
By the way, the big hotdogs I thought I was cooking ended up being bratwurst. Case solved! (I did actually make some actual hotdogs though too.)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Wondering when will my life begin?
Well my life as a substitute mom actually has begun today. I am in charge of planning and preparing diners for the next week. Lunch and breakfast at my house during the summer is a "fend for yourself" kind of thing or "eat if you are hungry". I decided this afternoon that all my diners were going to be themed. That is right dear readers. I especially wanted to start it out with a big bang. My first night was...ready for this...TANGLED PARTY!
I made spaghetti for dinner tonight. My mom generally breaks the spaghetti noodles in half before she puts them in the boiling pot (so they are not as long and messy). In the spirit of the occasion, I did not break mine (so that they wouldn't turn brown of course!) Do you see where I am going here? Well the spaghetti was like Rapunzel's hair! Cool right!I had some corn and my dad had some green beans. It was a really yummy meal. To drink with my delicious spaghetti I had milk. The milk was to help me grow big and strong. Those muscles would help me handle that frying pan. If you haven't guessed, Tangled is pretty much my favorite movie right now. To top of the night, I made root beer floats. Guess where I might have gotten them from? Did I hear you guess Snugly Duckling? You would be 100% correct! I hope you get your share of Tangled for the week. We watched (and I sang along with) Tangled as we ate. A night well spent!
For your pleasure...
I made spaghetti for dinner tonight. My mom generally breaks the spaghetti noodles in half before she puts them in the boiling pot (so they are not as long and messy). In the spirit of the occasion, I did not break mine (so that they wouldn't turn brown of course!) Do you see where I am going here? Well the spaghetti was like Rapunzel's hair! Cool right!I had some corn and my dad had some green beans. It was a really yummy meal. To drink with my delicious spaghetti I had milk. The milk was to help me grow big and strong. Those muscles would help me handle that frying pan. If you haven't guessed, Tangled is pretty much my favorite movie right now. To top of the night, I made root beer floats. Guess where I might have gotten them from? Did I hear you guess Snugly Duckling? You would be 100% correct! I hope you get your share of Tangled for the week. We watched (and I sang along with) Tangled as we ate. A night well spent!
For your pleasure...
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Eugene... |
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I really like her with brown hair. You? |
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