Saturday, August 6, 2011

How We Party

I am finally finding time to blog during a break in my crazy busy schedule.  Canada was amazing! I loved it so much that I dream of going back almost all the time.  I will tell you more about that trip in my next post.
I got to hang out with some really cool friends this past Thursday night.  We were having a party to not only see each other, but we also wanted to reminisce childhood as we watched old Disney movies.  People trickled to the party on their own time, so we did not want to start without them.  We had to make cupcakes anyways, so it was fine that people were late.  Nothing could have fit the moment better than turning the TV on to the Food Network.  Who can seriously say that they hate the Food Network?  If that is the case for you, I am confused by your thoughts.  One of my brothers doesn't like it, but that doesn't count.  I will never be able to understand my brothers fully.  So to start off our Disney party, we made cupcakes and watched cooking shows for about two hours.  Giada was the first show on.  Not only was I excited to be watching the cooking channel, I was ecstatic to see one of my all time favorite cooks on first.

Following that, we watched Top Chef and Chopped. 
The only bad thing about watching these shows is the watching part.  My mouth waters almost uncontrollably for the food I am watching be prepared.  I wish I could taste a little bit of everything, but alas, I must be content to stay on the couch and marvel at the brilliance behind it all.  Eventually we did get on with the party.  We watched several Disney movies.  Dinner consisted of some amazingly delicious pizza and some veggies.  I tried a cucumber.  I know I have had one before a while back, but I forgot what they tasted like.  I am more of a broccoli and cheese girl.  I also love green beans, corn, and generally carrots.  I use the word 'generally' because I am not a huge fan of cooked carrots. 
That being said, I had a great time hanging out with friends, making food, watching food, and eating food.  I hope you have had some good food this week!
I have one thing to leave you with before you go.  Hopefully you are not gone forever.  My hope is that you are drawn back again to read more.  The thing I most enjoy about the cooking channel is the passion the people have for the food.  Giada used the word--divine--to describe her food yesterday.  What words do you have to describe your food?? Try and use that word to describe some kind of food you eat this next week.

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