Monday, August 22, 2011

a goal accomplished

At the beginning of my summer, I posted a blog with a challenge.  The challenge was to set out on an adventure to eat 10 new things.  In case you forgot about that blog (or you are a new follower), you can reread it here.  So, I must say that I completed my own challenge.  I don't really know what all I ate, but I did enjoy most of the things I tried.  I won't list everything I tasted, but I will tell you my favorite thing--- a MANGO!  I had never eaten an actual mango before.  A few weeks ago, I was at the store and decided to buy one and try it.  I loved it!  I have only ever had them in drinks like Snapple.  I really love fruit in general, so this was just another fruit to add to my list of fruits I like.  Have you ever had a real mango before??  The majority of the new food I tried was Indian.  I had all of that while I was visiting Canada.  The samosa would be the highlight of the Indian food I had, but I really enjoyed it all.

p.s. I even saved the seed so that I can plant it.  I still must research on planting it, but I will let you know if anything exciting happens to it.  Just to see a small sprout of a tree sometime would make me happy. 

Did you try a lot of new food this summer?

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