Wednesday, August 17, 2011

special for my canadian followers

here it is--TORONTO!!
Well, this is actually from the American side.
These few pictures above are just a couple of the sights I saw while I was in Canada.  Are they not amazing?  I had such a great time there!  I hope and pray all the time that I might get to go back soon in a short time.  We will see how God uses me in the next few years.
Since this is a food blog, I want to tell you about the food I had in Toronto.  The area I stayed in was highly influenced by South Asian food.  One thing I tried was a samosa.  It was a very interesting food to me.  I had never tried one before or even heard of one until I ate it.  Later I found that there are many different kinds.  The one I ate had mashed potatoes, peas, and other things.  It was all these different thing mixed together (to make a green goodness of food) and held inside dough.  The whole thing is fried to make it a golden brown color on the outside.  It is kind of hard to put into words.  I don't even really know what kind I did have.  While there, I had some other food originating in India.  I really liked it all.  I had really eaten almost no Indian food before going on the trip.  I enjoyed all the food and all the sites of my trip!  I hope that you can enjoy Canada some day if you already have not!

Dear Canadians,
I just want you to know that you now have a very special place in my heart.  God is working through people where you live all the time.  You are amazing people in an amazing place!
Much love,

Have a blessed Wednesday night everyone!

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