Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Look into the Future

OK. I have been a little busy the past two weeks. Mainly this week. Finals started today at school and will be going through Friday. Studying is at a high as is the stress level. I hope you are having a good an stress free week.
Don't worry. I have eaten since I last wrote. I am just storing up all kinds of information to tell you when I have the time. I made a new cake recipe a few days ago  and will be making another one in a day or two. I also found a small stack of recipes from magazines I meddled through. Slowly, I hope to get you some of those that I found. The pictures look great and the recipes themselves sound just as amazing. I am hoping to do a lot of cooking this summer.
One of the things I have planned for this summer is traveling. Besides cooking, traveling is another one of my favorite activities. I will take pictures of the food I eat and let you know how it tasted. Food can be a hard thing to look at without craving it for yourself. I guess I am speaking that from experience. I will try to put recipes up when I know them. I encourage you to try new foods this summer. Get crazy in the kitchen and make something great. You never know if you like something until you try it.
My challenge to you is to set a goal to try at least 10 new things this summer. It can be any kind of food. I don't think it would be right for me to set a goal for you and not complete it myself. I will also take on this goal. You get bonus points for extra things tried. If you are really outstanding in trying exotic things, I will thrown in a high five. That should get you motivated.


Now I am off to write myself a note reminding me of my new goal. Bye!

(I will have pictures up in the near future.)

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