Thursday, May 19, 2011

Recipe Book

A recipe book. It sits alone only with others of its kind on the shelf. Some people are intrigued by it and pick it up. They take a little look at each recipe. Other people who pick it up only look at the pictures. Some people will never pick up the recipe book. Then again, others leave it open like they understand it. To those people, it is only a decoration. Friends in my life can be described in these ways. I am the recipe book.  I have had those friends and acquaintances that just know a few certain things about me. Some “friends” of mine just care about interesting things about me or things pertaining to them. And the “friends” that leave me and others open for decoration, those are the worst. Those are the ones that end up leaving someone with heartbreak. They seem to know and care about you, but they don’t. I have known my share of these people. Then, there are those special ones. The special ones that genuinely care about you. They know your highs and lows. Those are the kind of people that treasure their cookbooks. They spend time in them often to learn new things. As the cookbook, that special friend is brought joy by learning things about me. That person brings me joy because they are pouring time into me. Quality time is being spent. Genuine friends will be that other cookbook sitting next to you on the shelf in the kitchen.  They will never leave you no matter how others treat you. They are friends to treasure.

This is a chapter from a short autobiography I had to write for school.  It could be edited a little to make it flow more smoothly, but I hope you enjoy it!

(p.s. Dear best friend,
When you read this, I hope you will notice that you are one of the ones I was talking about at the very end. You are special and I know you will sit up on that kitchen shelf with me forever.  Even if nobody comes by and looks into our lives or tastes our great food, we will always have each other and God as our best friends.  I love you.)

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