Tuesday, April 26, 2011

LOST! and other things about me...

I have not been able to find my camera to upload those cupcake pictures.  It makes me quite sad because they were so cute.  Don't worry.  I will find it soon. 

How was your Tuesday?  Mine was very interesting.  Thethe power went out at my school.  Just as everyone was about to leave, the lights came back on.  Some worker at the power plant near us messed something up.  Anyways, all that to say that our lunch got pushed back about 10 MINUTES! I was quite sad because my tummy was already getting quite impatient.  To tie me over, I had two Reese's peanut butter cups.  I have to say that I feel terrible sorry for those who are allergic to peanut butter.  I hope you do not suffer that.  I love peanut butter.  Especially peanut butter and chocolate. 

Now my mom and I are just deciding on a meal for dinner.  I am definitely going to have some hot tea afterwards.  I love hot tea.  We are supposed to get a storm tonight.  It has been raining the last couple of days.  I love rain.  It is so soothing.  My favorite nights are a rainy Friday nights.  I just sit on the couch bundle up watching a good movie and drinking my hot tea. 

I guess you learned a lot of interesting things that I like today.  What are some things that interest you? 

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