Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Don't play with your food!

"It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it."
— Julia Child

This s such a great point. When I am making a meal, I try hard to make it look beautiful. Nobody wants to eat food that looks disgusting. People will generally be more inclined to try something if it looks appealing. It might just be me, but I am goin to guess maybe you are the same way. Anyways, it is good point that Julia makes. If you think about it, that food had to be handled a fair amount of times to look perfect. Remember what you parents used to tell you all the time? "Don't play with your food!"
Though your food my not e fit to put on a magazine, keep cooking! Don't give up! Cooking and baking are the two most of my most favorite things! Making perfect food is not very normal. The taste is what really counts! Hope you had some great meals today!

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