Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's almost Easter...

Easter is great for two main things really.

The first thing that makes Easter the greatest is Jesus! I can't even tell you how much He means to my life.  That is a story I will probably share with you another day.

Easter is also fun because you get to make great food.  Today I am going to be making Easter cupcakes for a friend.  I will post pictures either when I get them done or tomorrow hopefully.  I realize now that I am an official blogger and all how busy my life really is :).

Do you have plans for Easter?  Is family coming or are you going to them?  I am not doing anything except staying home.  I am also going to cook and go to church.  If you have no plans this Sunday, I totally encourage you to go to church.  The story of Jesus/ death and Resurrection is so amazing and his love for you and me is indescribable.

Have a good rest of the day!

p.s. High five for you if you are out of school tomorrow!

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