Friday, March 25, 2011

It's Friday, Friday...gotta cook dinner on Friday!

Though I might not be as excited about it being Friday as Rebecca Black, the new YouTube sensation, I am pretty excited.  This has been a crazy week, and I am ready to settle things down a little. 
                Tonight I made a very yummy dinner.  It is a great quick dinner to make—chicken and spaghetti. 
    I boiled the water first and then put in the noodles.  I love noodles.  After the noodles were done in the boiling water, I took them out and put them in a strainer.  Strainers are cool things.  If you don’t have one, get one.  I have just the normal strainer, but the really cool ones are the lids that I have strainers built in them.  It’s the small things in life that can bring me joy.  While the spaghetti was cooking, I heated up some chicken.  It was the nice little “just heat up in the microwave” kind of chicken--great stuff for a quick Friday night dinner.  They both finished at about the same time.  I find it hard to get everything I make finished at the same time and hot.  Tonight was a success! Score! To finish it off, I put a piece of provolone on the chicken.  I love cheese.  I could eat cheese almost all the time.  My favorite is Colby jack, but I like plain cheddar a lot too.  That together with my noodles and spaghetti sauce I already had made a great meal. 
    Now I am off to spend the rest of my Friday night.  I am thinking a movie?! Maybe even some popcorn!
    I hope you have a great weekend and a great dinner!

1 comment:

  1. I. Love. Your. BLOG! Its so fun to read, and your personality really shines through. loooooooove you.
