Thursday, June 9, 2011

That's SUPER!

I have been proud of myself this week for blogging every day this week...until I broke that yesterday.

Last night for dinner I did not have a theme because I went to a church event.  I had a really good time.  We ate and read some more of a book we are going through.  For dinner, we had pininis.  I loaded that baby up!  I had so much stuff piled on that bread.  I had ham, lots of different cheeses, mushrooms, and peperoni.  It might sound kind of weird, but it was amazing!  A little while later, we made sundaes.  The biggest new thing that I had on mine was chocolate whipped cream!!!  Seriously, you have got to get yourself some of that stuff.

Well, my brother really likes the movie Sky High.  I decided we could watch that tonight and have a superhero theme.  I was at the store and I was looking for a sub sandwich to get.  There just happened to be a sub called-- Super Sub.  What a fitting name!  It was seriously amazing.  It was huge.  We went home and added more toppings.  The whole night was relaly fun.

Even though I had sandwiches two nights in a row, they were both very different.  Both of them were special and very delicious in their own ways.  What do you like to put on your sub sandwiches?  I am a meat and cheese kind of girl.  I also like mushrooms a lot, but I think I already mentioned that before.

Have a fun rest of the night!

p.s.  Are you watching the Heat vs. Mavs game?  I just watched a few minutes tonight.  I really don't know who I am going for.  I decided that next season I need to get more into and follow basketball better.  Bye!

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