Monday, June 13, 2011

DONE...but not forever


So, I guess you are wondering how my week finished out.  Sorry to keep you in suspense for so long.  It did not exactly end how I wanted it to.  As I look back over what I accomplished, I am proud of what I did.  I like to cook more challenging things than I did this week, but it was a little hard.  We had basically no time to run to the grocery store because we were always doing other things.  I guess we will make a big store run today or tomorrow. 
Do you remember in my last blog how I said that I wanted to end with a last big meal?  Well, that did not actually happen.  It ended up that everyone had parties to go to and would not be home for dinner.  I ended up having leftover taco stuff.  Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it!  It was nice to slow down a little bit after a crazy busy week.
My mom and brother got back from their mission trip and my mom was able to take back her kitchen.  I was sad to give up everything except the dishes.
I am glad you decided to come along with me on my adventurous week.  I had a fun time and I hope you enjoyed reading about it.
Now I am back to just helping my mom in the kitchen, hopefully making some more cupcakes, and trying new recipes.

p.s.  I still have to catch you up sometime on my Memorial Day meals.  Yummy!  Hopefully I can do that this week!


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