Thursday, September 22, 2011

The best thing

You already know (if you read this post) that I love hot tea.  My love is really just for tea in general.  When I say "tea", don't misunderstand me.  I am definitely a sweet tea girl.  I love getting iced sweet tea. 
Tonight I had another volleyball game.  (I don't know if I have mentioned yet on the blog that I play volleyball, but I do.)  Tonight's game was the best I have played all season!  Even though we lost, I went home happy and pleased that I had tried my hardest.  To make the ride even better, a song by Mat Kearney came on the radio.  Feeling the need to have my own little jam, my mom and I rolled down the windows and turned up the radio.  Sipping away at my delicious sweet tea and riding around town in my little red truck, I could not have been much happier.  You see, it is the little things in life that are really the most amazing.  All you have to do is stop a minute and look at how blessed you are.  I am continually amazed at how much God has blessed my life.  My delicious sweet tea, my jamming in the truck, and my great volleyball game made my day so amazing.  I hope your day was just as amazing. 

What do you like to jam to in your car/truck?  Do you have a minivan jam or is it the sweet sports car jam?  Does sweet tea make you happy? 

Remember: Tomorrow is Friday, so let's celebrate that the weekend is almost here!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Cosby Show.

Sorry for the bad quality of this picture.
To end my weekend, I sat in my room and watched an episode of The Cosby Show and ate this piece of Oreo fudge pie.  Let me tell you, it was a great way to end my Sunday night.  Not totally ready for the week (because I enjoyed my time of resting), I am glad that I had a great weekend.  I got to spend time with friends and had a great youth service at church tonight.  I hope your weekend was great too!  Have a great week and eat some great food!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dear Hot Tea,

What would I do without you?  I mean really?! A winter without you would be like a white Christmas without snow...impossible.  Sitting in a comfy chair, wrapped in a blanket, drinking hot tea, and either wathching a movie or reading a good book is how I prefer to spend my free time in the winter.  I just wanted to let you know that you are essential to my mornings.  When I am cold and bundled up on my way to school, I can always count on some hot tea to warm me up.  I love you hot tea!!!  Your the best!

a loyal hot tea drinker