Thursday, April 28, 2011


Guess who found their camera?! This girl!  Woot! Woot!  Anyways, here are some pictures of the cupcakes I blogged about a couple days ago. Hope you like them! They were so fun to make! I really love cupcakes!  YUM!

This is one of my favorite ones :)
And so were my Easter egg cupcakes.  I loved making them.  It took a long time.  Part of the reason was because I got distracted.  I watched an old version of Emma.  (That is seriously an amazing movie and book.  I definitely recommend it to you!)  
The delivery part was probably the most intense.  We went with a friend to take them an assistant living/nursing home.  On the way over, my mom and I sat in the back of the car.  We each held a tray of cupcakes.  All of the sudden it started hailing.  CRAZY! It was a little wild considering the fact that we could barely see the road.  It was a blessing to get all the eggs to the final destination without destroying them.  They looked all the more amazing after knowing what all had happened to get them to the right place.   

p.s. Remember! The Royal Wedding comes on really early tomorrow morning! Get excited! Pull out those tea cups, make some hot tea, sit, relax, and watch the wedding.  Those are my plans.  :)

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